(Photo: Marco Rakascan)
Swedish up-and-comer Vendela is finally making some noise again, much to our delight. We’ve never known anyone take so long in upping and coming, but we’re assured by those behind her that it’s happening, and we’re convinced it’s going to be worth the wait. All four years of it.
Anyway, her latest flirtation with being an actual popstar comes courtesy of US rock band Charming Liars. They’ve recently stripped back, re-recorded, and put out a new version of their song ‘Fingers Crossed’. And on it (this new version, not the original) they’ve featured our very own Vendela!
In their own words; “We always love stripping our songs back to its bare bones and showing people the way it sounded when we first wrote it. We’d always wanted to collaborate with a female artist and thought this would be the perfect song to do it on. The lyrics become more of a conversation between boy and girl and give the song a whole new dimension. Vendela absolutely killed it, and we are stoked with the result.”
That result is an enormously melodic acoustic ballad. A singalong number that gives you a case of the sads. It actually reminds us a lot of the new single by The Veronicas, ‘You Ruined Me’. And we’ve been listening to the pair of them back to back a lot recently. It just works.
If all US rock bands went and did shit like this, we could well see ourselves getting into US rock. Maybe.
And well – need we remind ourselves of the last time Vendela rocked out?!
‘Fingers Crossed’;