CBD Topicals – How Do They Work?

  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post category:Music Discussion

With the wide-spreading popularity of CBD, it has made an impact on the beauty and sports industries. The versatile nature of cannabidiol makes it more unique in the health industry. Well, most beginner CBD users consider that CBD tinctures and oils are effective. However, the effectiveness of CBD lies in its topical application.

Whether you are using it for joint pain or skin conditions, CBD gels work instantly. Topical products of CBD seep through the skin without passing the bloodstream. 

All the new consumption methods of CBD take the user away from the notion that CBD comes from the marijuana plant. For example, CBD topicals have revolutionized the cannabis world with their accessibility, safety, and efficacy. 

Let us understand how CBD topicals work!

What are CBD Topicals?

Topical products are cannabidiol-infused lotions, cream, and roll-ons that are best to target the localized pain relief. CBD topicals relieve pain, soreness, and inflammation. 

Most athletes choose CBD-infused topicals due to their non-intoxicating properties. The non-psychedelic nature of CBD allows them to experience the therapeutic effects without cerebral euphoria. In addition to this, topicals are discreet and offer long-lasting effects. CBD topicals contain essential oils for additional pain relief, such as cayenne, clove, and wintergreen.

You can find the following types of topical products:

  • CBD creams
  • Lotions
  • CBD gels
  • Roll-ons
  • Sprays
  • Salves

And much more!

How Do Cannabidiol-infused Topicals Work?

Cannabidiol or CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in our body. The ECS regulates various body functions, including pain, sleep, mood, reproduction, and more. ECS works with its core components that are:

  • Endocannabinoids
  • Cannabinoid receptors
  • Enzymes

Transdermal methods of using CBD works by binding the cannabinoid receptors. The cannabinoid receptors (CB1 & CB2) are present throughout the body and activated by cannabinoids – both natural endocannabinoids & cannabinoids of the cannabis plant.

The primary benefit of using CBD topical is that it penetrates the dermal and subdermal skin layers without passing the digestive tract. If you take CBD oil or capsules, it passes the long digestive tract and liver before entering the bloodstream. However, CBD creams offer quick pain relief by activating the transdermal cannabinoid receptors. 

CBD topicals work best for skin conditions, muscle soreness, and muscle stiffness. It penetrates the deeper layer of skin to ease the muscles. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD reduce inflammation and pain. Athletes and people with severe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis use topical products to soothe the skin.


There is no secret that CBD topicals work wonders on tired skin and painful joints. The benefits of CBD creams are numerous, from soothing tight muscles to reduce inflammation. Many celebrities and sports enthusiasts endorse CBD topicals due to their effectiveness. CBD has gained momentum in the human health department due to its appealing products, such as CBD roll-ons and their quickest onset time.

Moreover, you can use CBD oil topically to massage sore muscles and joints. There is no risk of intoxication by using CBD products or CBD oil topical use. CBD works by boosting the natural endocannabinoid system, not by working against it.


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