Brændt Barn: ‘Bror’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


One of those songs with one of those productions that stuns you right away with its indie disco fabulousnessness. See also: ‘My Crown’ by The Storm.

‘Bror’ is the debut single from Brændt Barn aka Danish producer Kristian Vad. And yes – it’s the production that’s the mega star of the whole show here. The melody of the bridge and chorus plays a blinder of a supporting role though – subtle enough to let the music do all of the talking, but clever enough to make an impression itself.

This song is quite brilliant. You can’t help but imagine that if a woman was fronting this, the whole internet would be pon de case. Oh well. You can all enjoy it anyway.

The video is quite good too. Kinda hot, in an inappropriate way. And the smiles at the very end are adorable.

The single is out now, and has been released outside of Denmark too.

Bror - Single - Brændt Barn


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