This is AMAZING.
The Danish version of Så Mycket Bättre kicked off last month in Denmark. Theirs has a much better name too – Toppen Af Poppen. Anyway, as is always the case with these shows, a great big stonking massive hit has just transpired.
Over the weekend, it was the episode in which the assembled artists took on the hits of Anne Dorte Michelsen. And it’s Barbara Moleko’s ‘Indianer’ which ended up stealing the show and turning in the best reversion of the series so far. It’s a stunning synth ballad that manages to be very rousing and yet soothingly subdued at the same time. Perhaps therein lies its genius. But that, topped off with the intriguing production and also Barbara’s magnificent VOX (check out that last big note) makes for an enthralling listen that we can’t get enough of. And nor can the Danes – it’s been all over the Dabish media and the iTunes chart since the weekend.
We haven’t written about old Babs since October 2012, when she released the very good ‘Dum For Dig’. But we’re hoping she pulls at least one more stone cold classic out of her time on Toppen Af Poppen.
Here you can watch the performance of ‘Indianer’, and also listen to the studio recording via Spotify.