Anna David: ‘F***ing Perfect’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Danish singer Anna David is back with a brand new single, ‘F***ing Perfect’.

Never mind what the title alludes to – it is not a rip-roaring, attitude laden, balls out, hair flipping, pop anthem (how amazing would that have been?). Instead, it’s a ghostly ballad. And as a result, the title serves to make the whole thing far darker and more sinister, thus increasing the impact over had she gone with our suggestion. She’s well ahead of us.

Despite the title being in English, the song is in Danish. And despite the title being censored, there’s no holding back on the F word within the song. ‘F***ing Perfect’ is a soft yet dramatic piano led ballad. A delicate declaration that captivates with its simplicity, and chills via its complex outpouring of emotion. Yeah it’s pretty good and stuff.

More music from Anna David here.

The single is out now and has been released outside of Denmark too.

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