One of our favourite songs of the year, by two of our favourite scandipopstars of all time, has been seeing something of a resurgance in popularity recently. Those of you who follow the Swedish singles charts will have seen that ‘Victorious’ by Linda Bengtzing and Velvet has leapt up to a brand new peak of number 15 this week. Which is far higher than it has reached in the few weeks its dipped in and out of the lower end of the chart since its release back in February.
However, far more indicative of the song’s success than the singles chart (that chart is a funny one and unfortunately very misleading of a song’s actual popularity sometimes), is how well it’s suddenly started doing on the Swedish radio airplay chart. Here’s the song’s initial run on the airplay chart since it was released, until a couple of months back;
66 – 147 – n/a – n/a – n/a – 242 – 237 – 350
Not very promising really, was it?! However here’s the chart run from then, and what it’s had for the last seven weeks;
40 – 39 – 45 – 40 – 53 – 47 – 41
And now this week, the song climbs yet again on the airplay chart – to number 45!
We’re not entirely sure why Swedish radio have only just realised that the song is amazing now, but we’re delighted that they have.
And for those of you unfortunate enough to not yet be familiar with the glorious tune, here it is, accompanied by the has to be seen to be believed video!