This is a nice outpouring of generosity from Eric Amarillo.
He has remixed his own new single, and is offering it up as a free download. ‘Men Hallå. Vem Bryr Sig’ by Eric Amarillo – the Eric Amarillo remix. What you don’t need to worry about is the fact that this isn’t one of those remixes that takes all is great and good away from a great and good song. It’s just a genuinely good mix of a song that was already quite brill. Nice.
What you DO need to worry about though, is the fact that he’s offering the download up via Soundcloud. And sometimes they are set to stop once 100 downloads have been nabbed. Maybe he’s used that setting, and maybe he hasn’t. We aren’t sure. But so far only 14 people have chosen to download it, so if you’re one of the first 86 people reading this, then you have no worries – the download is yours if you want it. If however, you’re reader number 87 and beyond – well we just don’t know really. We just don’t know.
Go on then, QUICK! Good luck;
Click on the little arrow button (if it’s still there, *scream*)