Play It For The Girls…

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:News

Danny Saucedo is a popstar who loves the camera. Other people’s cameras and especially his own. At the end of last year we collected some of his  most memorable shots of the year – professional and personal. But already in the first month of 2012, he’s been excelling himself. And when he’s lying in bed at 2am and tweeting that he can’t sleep because he’s just discovered more photo apps on his phone – well you know there’s gonna be a lot more to come.

So we might just have to make this a monthly feature. Let’s see what he pulls out of the bag with these new app discoveries.

Here though, is Danny Saucedo’s January in pictures;


Melodifestivalen is on its way


So he’s been busy working out for the occasion. “must get bigger….must get bigger


Is he gonna know when to stop though?! Look what’s just arrived in the post…

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It’s ok though. Remember – THIS is the result;

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And don’t fret, he’s still allowing himself to get wasted occasionally. Like with Måns in London.

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So heroic.


And again – So h(omo)ero(t)ic.


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