It’s been a while since we read that name, saw that face and heard that voice! It’s been a while since she gave us the chance to! But now Finnish artist ALMA is back with her first release since 2020’s ‘Have You Seen Her’ album. New single ‘Everything Beautiful’.
What’s it like? Is it too early to scream: “BEST ALMA SONG EVER!!!”? Possibly. But it’s certainly what we’re feeling right now. This is a beautifully crafted pop song on which we get handed on a silver platter a new plane onto which to transcend in utter euphoria. And we don’t mind if we do, ta very much. Our only gripe – we could have done with this being twice as long. At least.
What does she say? “‘Everything Beautiful’ is about the pain of growing up, not being a teenager anymore, having all these responsibilities, but for a second not giving a single fuck. Just having a good time with your best friends like you used to do. We should be successful, look good, do good, be good, caring about environment, be political, have talents, be funny and social and the list goes on and on but sometimes it’s just better to not give a fuck for a second.”
Written by? The artist herself, along with Max Grahn.
More from ALMA? Last year she featured on ‘Stop Talkin’ by Valentino Khan.
You can find ‘Everything Beautiful’ on our Best New Pop playlist.