EP: Jesper Jenset – ‘Vol.3’

  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? The brand-new EP from Norwegian artist Jesper Jenset. His third, in case you hadn’t guessed from the title! ‘Vol.3’.
What’s on it? Six tracks, made up of a double a-side single he released last month (‘Skinny Jeans’/’Someone Else’), a double a-side single he released the month before (‘Facade’/’I Like When We’), and two brand-new songs – let’s call them this month’s double a-side single (‘Love Me, I’m A Mess’/’Night Vision’).
Highlights? The pop excellence of ‘Facade’, the uplifting momentum of ‘Love Me, I’m A Mess’, the lyrical sauciness of ‘Skinny Jeans’, and the comforting melody of ‘I Like When We’.
Lyrical sauciness?Two drinks turn into foreplay. You liked when I said I’m from Norway“.
Incredible. Right?

You can find ‘Facade’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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