So this is it. We’ve arrived at a Hatari album. You ready?
Neyslutrans? Consumer Trance.
Of course. Right, go on then. Where would you like us to start?
What’s it like? It’s very much an album of two halves, separated by a slightly extended version of ‘Hatrið Mun Sigra’ placed right in the middle, as track seven. The first half of the album is the Hatari we all got to familiarise ourselves with over the course of last year (and the year before, for those early adopters). The second half is Hatari in full experimental mode.
You mean last year wasn’t Hatari in experimental mode?! It may well have been, but the second half of ‘Neyslutrans’ is mad-scientist territory in comparison. We’ve got string instrumentals, choral songs and rap collaborations. Plus our two clear favourites of the new Hatari songs.
Ooooh, highlights. What are they? ’14 Ár’, for its utter force, and anger. And then ‘Niðurlu?t’, for its unashamed theatrics. Both are up there with ‘Hatrið Mun Sigra’ and ‘Klámstrákur’ in terms of offering up that thing that you like about these boys but that you can’t quite put your finger on. Or don’t want to.