SONG: NOAH: ‘Alle Går I Stykker’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

What’s this? The latest single from Danish artist NOAH. The hugely melodic ‘Alle Går I Stykker’.
What does NOAH say? “Du og jeg har noget tilfælles: Vi slår os alle på et tidspunkt i livet. Ofte er der en tendens til at tro, at alt skal være godt hele tiden, men livet må sgu godt gøre ondt nogle gange og det er faktisk okay – det skal man huske at omfavne.”
Mate. Ok so we’ll try to translate from Danish, but he better not get mad at us if we make a mistake: “You and I have something in common: We all beat ourselves up at some point in life. Often, there is a tendency to think that everything must be good all the time, but life has to hurt sometimes, and that is actually okay – you have to remember to embrace it.”
What does Scandipop say? We fell for this on first listen – it’s infectiously upbeat, a huge hand-clapper, and it even throws in a few ‘HEY’s and ‘na-na-na-na’s, so that us non-Danes can sing along too, should we get the urge. Which, we warn you, you will.
Written by? NOAH himself (Troels Gustavsen, to his nearest and dearest), along with Casper Lindstad, Andreas Ringblom Knudsen and Mathias Holsaae.
More from NOAH? Earlier in the year he released the single ‘83‘.

You can find ‘Alle Går I Stykker’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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