What’s this? Norway’s Eurovision artist KEiiNO have filmed a music video for Norway’s Eurovision song ‘Spirit In The Sky’.
Oh wow – is it an epic filmed under the northern lights? Erm, not quite, no.
Is it a cinematic masterpiece that takes place on snowy mountains with the camera-panning shots being pulled along by actual huskies? Nope, it’s not that either.
So what is it then? It sort of looks like they’ve waitied for the staff of their local IKEA to go home, and then had a bit of a play around in the garden-furniture section.
They’ve done what? I mean, that’s not all. They’ve also brought along some cans of snow spray and a couple of party wigs. And you know those fake Christmas trees that have been sprayed so white that you’re advised not to inhale anywhere in immediate proximity to them? A couple of them, as well.
Oh Christ. Is it a hot mess? It’s not even that. It’s a freezing cold mess – despite how unreal that canned snow looks.
Does it take away from the fact that the song is a top-notch belter of stratospheric proportions? Dear reader – nothing could quell the magnificence of this almighty tune. Not even – whatever this visual accompaniment is.
You can find ‘Spirit In The Sky’ on our Best New Pop playlist.