INTRODUCING: Peder Elias – ‘Simple’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:New Releases

(photo: Ida Bjørvik)

Who? 21-year-old Peder Elias from Trondheim, Norway. Today he releases his debut single – ‘Simple’.
What does Peder say? “‘Simple’ is about a relationship I felt became too complicated right off the bat. You don’t have to rush into a relationship fearing it would be too fast and complicated for the both of you. You need to take it slow and steady –keep it simple”.
What does Scandipop say? The younger brother of Simen from SEEB arrives with a bang – ironically, in the form of a subtle, ‘Simple’, soothing, well-crafted pop song.
Written by? Written and produced by Peder all by himself!
More from Peder? Not just yet, though he did co-write and feature on this song by Simon Field last year.

You can find ‘Simple’ on our Best New Pop playlist.

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