SONG: Molly Pettersson Hammar – ‘I’ll Be Fine’ (acoustic)

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

MollyPetterssonHammar e1425652122652

And is she? Is she fine? She’s fine. Already regarded as one of the most unjust exits in Melodifestivalen history, Molly Pettersson-Hammar’s ‘I’ll Be Fine’ gets some new life breathed into it today with the release of a new acoustic version as a single.
Acoustic? Urgh. Don’t worry – it’s piano acoustic, not guitar acoustic. It’s the acoustic that it’s ok to enjoy.
Best bit? When you think it’s all over, and it all goes silent, and then that voice comes back bigger than better. That final minute is a REVELATION!
How has the song been doing since its elimination from the contest? Well it’s clocked up 650,000 streams on Spotify – which is NINE times as many plays as some of songs that have made the final notmentioninganynamesJESSICAANDERSSON. Below you can listen to the acoustic version on Spotify, watch the live video she’s recorded for the new version, listen to the original for comparison, AND re-watch THAT Melodifestivalen performance one more time.


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