A new boyband! And from our favourite Norwegian record label Eccentric Music too. They pretty much NEVER miss the mark when it comes to releasing top notch pop by likable popstars. Now they’ve put together their first boyband Suite 16, and today is the release of their debut single ‘Stupid Lovesong’.
How were they put together? By a TV show no less! Prosjekt: Boyband has been running on TV2 for a couple of months. Basically a return to the old Popstars format. Amazing.
And what’s their first single like? A pop rock boyband anthem with a killer chorus. So pretty much what everyone who is going to listen to it wants to hear.
Written by? Jim Bergsted, Kid Joki (Joakim Haukaas) and Rykkinfella (Alexander Austheim). Produced by the latter two.
And who are the chaps? Andreas, Kevin, Thomas, Vemund, and Alexandru. You can watch a live acoustic performance of the song from Norwegian TV this week.