Indian Boi: ‘Bulletproof Heart’

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

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Indian Boi is the name of a brand new popstar – a Swedish Girl, funnily enough. And she’s just this week released her debut single, ‘Bulletproof Heart’.

Pleasingly, the arrival of Indian Boi to the pop world means that we now have a popstar girl who is all about the melody driven dancepop. And she’s not being coerced into it either. She promises that this is all her vision – from the music to the words to the production and to the visual. So that’s good.

‘Bulletproof Heart’ is a bubbly and bouncy pop number that sounds like a lot of the Scandinavian pop music that we fell in love with in the early to mid noughties and which inspired us to finally start this website in the first place. So it’s quite delightful that its ilk is still being produced a decade later.

Cheese that’s been matured somewhat.

‘Bulletproof Heart’ has been written and produced by Johan Fjellström, Niclas Arn, Kristian Lagerström, Sandro Thorell and Indian Boi. Signed to the label of, and executive produced by Johan Fjellström – producer behind the likes of Alcazar, Timoteij, Star Pilots, BWO, West End Girls, and VERONA. What an incredible guy.

Here’s ‘Bulletproof Heart’;

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