Petra Marklund: ‘Händerna Mot Himlen’ (Alex Lamb remix)

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release

PetraMarklundLambremix e1350745650513

Swedish producer and DJ Alex Lamb today tweeted a lengthy preview of a remix he’s done for one of the biggest hits of the year so far in Sweden, ‘Händerna Mot Himlen’ by Petra Marklund.

Erm – it’s amazing.

It follows on from the Hellberg  remix of the track, and it’s another mix that elevates it into MASSIVE FUCKING CLUB BANGER status – a status we think agrees with it extraordinarily well. Appropriately for a song called ‘Hands To The Sky’, the Alex Lamb turns it into a hands-in-the-air style dance anthem. The release of the single’s remixes come soon, and should ensure that the song itself endures throughout the rest of the winter here in Sweden. We’ve yet to converse with a Swede that doesn’t like this track.

You can hear the original version of ‘Händerna Mot Himlen’ here.

And folk from outside of Sweden can pick up the ‘Inferno’ album on CD from our online store here.


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