The Petra Marklund album previews. Day 6: ‘Fred’

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  • Post category:News / Preview / Release


The previews of the new Petra Marklund album ‘Inferno’ continue today with what we have found to be the album’s biggest grower – ‘Fred’.

Nowt to do with a gentleman called Fredrik – ‘Fred’ is the Swedish word for peace. And perhaps as an intentional juxtaposition, the great thing about this song called ‘Peace’ is the military style beat that plods throughout. Rousing stuff, this.

Written by: Saska Becker, Joakim Berg, Daniel Ledinsky, and Petra Marklund
Produced by: Daniel Ledinsky & Saska Becker

[audio:|titles=06 Fred 1]

The ‘Inferno’ album is released on October 17th in Sweden. However, if you live outside of Sweden, you can already pre-order the album on CD from our online store here.

Our full review of the ‘Inferno’ album. And you can listen to earlier album previews here.


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