One former half of Swedish pop duo Cat5 has released a new solo EP, titled ‘Lioness’ and produced by Lissvik. It’s Hanna Göranson, or just Hanna as she would like to known by now.
You can download the whole 4 track EP for free from her soundcloud page here. But there are 2 tracks in particular that we want to draw attention to, as they’re quite brill (and to these ears – much better than the other two actually).
‘Lioness’ and ‘Lost Electric’ are the two most commercial tracks, the two most radio friendly tracks, the two most pop tracks, and therefore predictably the two songs that is salivating over most. They sound like those moments when Robyn flirts a little with r&b, although they’re much more dedicated to the urban genre than a mere flirt. ‘Lioness’ has actual cat noises. We love that. Although that’s just a small part of what we love about the production – it’s a very infectious beat. Bizarrely, there’s a lot less going on within the production of ‘Lost Electric’, but it still manages to sound more complex. Get your head around THAT!
Lost Electric