21st Century gambling to hit the charts soon

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  • Post category:Music Discussion

“You’ve got to know when to hold them; you’ve got to know when to fold them” is what Kenny Rogers sang in his famous song “The Gambler” and with all the revolutionary technology happening these days perhaps we will see a 21st century “ The Gambler” soon.

In Rogers song he spoke about the successes and failings of an unknown Gambler travelling on a train, but the story was much more than that.

The Poker Face

The country and western heavyweight is not the only singer to have tackled the issue of gambling, such as when Lady Gaga Sang about one of the famed gambling manoeuvres, “ the Poker Face”.

The Song was named just that and while it was perhaps not about gambling in the conventional sense – ie Casinos, Texas hold em, betting – it detailed how a “Poker Face” could be used in everyday life.

The poker face is an important part of gambling, or at least it was. With the advent of online gambling the “Poker Face” has perhaps become redundant and in the future we may not hear songs about a “Poker Face” so much as songs about online gambling.

What the future holds

As in both Kenny Rogers and Lady Gaga’s offerings about the life of a gambler, perhaps soon one of the newer artists in the chart will write a song about making money online.

With many rap artists very fond of detailing their riches and the money they have earned, it would be no surprise to hear a song about spending that down-time winning money by laying prices on sports and all kinds of variables at the betting exchanges with friends and accomplices.

Rogers and Gaga are but a few of the artists to have tackled an issue such as gambling but while their songs have not exactly shown the practice in a great light perhaps a future star’s effort will mention the successes of winning money and how fun that can be.

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The gambling evolution

While gambling will probably always be there in real life, the amount of online gambling available today will surely have to make Casinos and real life Poker tournaments reinvent themselves.

Whilst it is hard for casinos to move all their options and facilities to an online presence some poker websites have over taken the real thing in terms of number of competitors and in some cases even the purses outshine some of the lesser real life events.

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